We are taking applications for the 2024/2025 School Year.
Our Mission is to Glorify Christ by partnering with parents to train students to be disciples of Christ. We desire to Holy Spirit led in all we do so that we can prepare our youth spiritually, academically, and emotionally to go into this world and represent the Kingdom of God.
The cost of schooling would be
Entrance testing= $ 30.00 Fall semester and again in the spring.
Registration fee = $ 75.00
Curriculum starting at: $400.00/yr. (cost will vary depending upon grade)
Tuition= 400.00 monthly

Unless Parents have a Christian curriculum they prefer or are already using, we will be using A.C.E. also known as Accelerated Christian Education. This is a self paced homeschool curriculum that you can find out more about by going to: https://www.aceschooloftomorrow.com/
11631*_*Eastside Christian Academy Registration Form
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will there be school discounts for multiple students?
At this time, no discounts will be offered. The projection for the school budget accounts for the
number of students needed to meet financial obligations with running the school.
Will assistance be offered to parents/students who
cannot afford the monthly tuition?
At this time, there is no financial assistance available for students to help meet monthly tuition
rates. The academy leadership is hopeful to one day have a scholarship fund available for such
students. This is something that will have to be established and built before it can be offered.
This will include other factors such as sponsorship and donations.
Would students enrolled in the academy be able to
participate in sporting events?
The academy will not be able to participate in school competitions or sporting events at this
time. Students would be allowed to participate in other community sporting events at the
discretion of their parents and will be the sole responsibility of the parent to arrange the
student’s participation and coordination in such events.
What about students who want to participate in dual
credit for college courses?
Students who are desiring to receive dual credit could pursue dual credit with colleges such as
TJC. This would require the student to meet admission requirements for the college *just as with
any other school program* including passing necessary entrance exams. The academy’s
academic advisor can assist interested students with this process. This process will be
individualized for each student.